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Saturday, November 27, 2004 

Day 8

Today was a surprisingly good day for John, which he needed. I have to guess that the chemo has peaked, because he was able to get around and enjoy his company. He commented on how nice Jordan was and appreciated the fuss over Brady's decorations, though he does intend to get out by Christmas. He even ate a few handful of Cheerios today, which is the first solid food he's had in about a week. I'm sure there will be more hard days, but that's true in a lesser sense for all of us. Courtney will be there mid day tomorrow and Debbie or I will take her to the airport. The first time back from college is an adjustment and this one has been even more complex for her. We are still figuring things out day by day for now. Still, I suppose there is something to learn there.

About me

  • I'm Randy Cadenhead
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • My son John was diagnosed in November of 2004 with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). Since then, he underwent three rounds of chemotherapy and received a bone marrow transplant in Seattle. This site is about his experience, as seen through his father's eyes. Links to John's website and to his own live journal are below.
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