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Monday, January 31, 2005 

Day 71

This link is to John's web journal. He hasn't updated it in a few days though, because of all that's going on. http://www.livejournal.com/users/johnvscancer/

John's temperature worked its way up to 97 by the end of the day. Most of his other vital signs seem adequate, but his blood pressure is trailing off, which can happen when your body isn't making blood cells to replace the old ones. He has tried to eat, but can't keep anything down. As much as he fought IV feeding last time he was here, he asked for it today to see if that might give him a boost.

His white blood count remained at .2 today and 10 days into this stay, they are still doing tests to rule out what his problem might be. They say they have ruled out a fungal infection now.

Today they called for three tests. The x-ray of his chest never happened, but it was to check again for pneumonia. He was to have an MRI on his head to look for what may be causing his dizziness and disorientation. He did have a bone marrow test to extract marrow from his hip. I think this was his fourth and you can still see the marks from the prior ones. This was the one test I worry most about, because it could show that his leukemia has returned and is what's keeping his white cells from reforming. They say they don't think that's the problem, but they also say they don't know what is wrong. There were no results as of tonight. Courtney did call and talked to John while he was coming out of anesthesia. He carried on something of a conversation, but I'm sure he won't recall.

He is sleeping well enough right now, with the benefit of medication. He is really a sick guy though. I'll be here with him again through the night and at least until the doctors come around tomorrow and we continue the elimination process.

Debbie coaxed him out of bed and once around the hall this morning. He got applause from the staff. I've not seen that before. She's a good and caring foil for him and he appreciates her lovingly straightforward but nonjudging way of helping him, sometimes in ways he doesn't quite know he needs.

We've rescheduled John's Seattle evaluation for February 24, which is the next available date. Hopefully, he will be better by then.

About me

  • I'm Randy Cadenhead
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • My son John was diagnosed in November of 2004 with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). Since then, he underwent three rounds of chemotherapy and received a bone marrow transplant in Seattle. This site is about his experience, as seen through his father's eyes. Links to John's website and to his own live journal are below.
My profile
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