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Thursday, March 31, 2005 

Day 132

This is part of an email sent earlier this week to family and friends as an update.

Please excuse the impersonal nature of a mass email, but I wanted to let you know the latest on John’s leukemia treatment. John will soon undergo a bone marrow transplant at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. His treatment begins on April 12, and, if all goes well, the transplant will occur on about May 5 or 6. He will have to remain in Seattle for monitoring until sometime in August.

John is doing well right now, after some difficult times from chemotherapy and an infection. A suitable donor has been found and the Fred Hutchinson Center is by far the most advanced and successful bone marrow transplant clinic in the world. Given the circumstances, we are as encouraged as anyone could be, knowing that he has all the best advantages going for him.

We will be setting up house and office keeping in Seattle while John is there. Debbie will commute back and forth and may also work out of a firm in Seattle at times, but I expect to be there for most of the 4 to 6 months that this may take. We hope that Courtney will be able to join us for some part of the time, as her own situation permits. Since you have all expressed your concerns along the way and some have been able to help in valuable ways, I wanted to give you this update and also our contact information.

For those who may not know, John has begun a weblog about his experience with leukemia. You can find it at
http://www.livejournal.com/users/johnvscancer/. Rather than send out emails to all those following John’s progress, I followed John’s example and have posted regular updates at http://randycadenhead.blogspot.com/. By all means keep in touch with us directly, but both blogs have lots of information that we sometimes forget to repeat individually.

Thank you all for your kind and caring thoughts. This is a hard time in many ways, but also one where we have been reminded to appreciate and enjoy family and true friends each and every day, all in ways that clichéd phrases like those can’t adequately express.

About me

  • I'm Randy Cadenhead
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • My son John was diagnosed in November of 2004 with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). Since then, he underwent three rounds of chemotherapy and received a bone marrow transplant in Seattle. This site is about his experience, as seen through his father's eyes. Links to John's website and to his own live journal are below.
My profile
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