Day 11
Finally, a day with not much to say. John had a pretty good night, for being in a hospital anyway, and has been alert and maybe just a bit bored. He is able to swallow occasionally and was able to take a bite of Jello and a sip of Gatorade. He is giving thought at times to things he wants to work on when he can, all of which are positive signs.
Laura and Mike came over with Debbie and visited for a while, which John enjoyed. I'm going to join them for dinner later.
Today was John's last suppression shot and he should begin to improve soon. He asked about how GVHD might feel and what it might do to him. He is a bit anxious about it, but the severe examples are really pretty rare, which I explained. All in all, I think he is doing pretty well at this point.
Laura and Mike came over with Debbie and visited for a while, which John enjoyed. I'm going to join them for dinner later.
Today was John's last suppression shot and he should begin to improve soon. He asked about how GVHD might feel and what it might do to him. He is a bit anxious about it, but the severe examples are really pretty rare, which I explained. All in all, I think he is doing pretty well at this point.