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Saturday, July 30, 2005 

Day 63

It seems odd to start thinking ahead beyond this week's appointments, but it is time to start counting down toward Day 100 and there is a lot to do before John is released from care here.

John's Prednisone tapering is almost over and the GVHD symptoms seem to be mostly at bay. The CMV appears to be gone and he will switch to the pill form of Ganciclovir today. (The doctor commented this week on how "few" pills John takes. My guess is it is about 30 a day.) The urinary infection he has had turns out to be viral, which he contracted despite two forms of anti-viral medication. It appears to be improving though.

John still receives a liter of fluids a day by portable pump through his Hickman line. He needs to begin keeping up his fluids and maintaining his magnesium level on his own. I guess he will probably return to Atlanta with his Hickman line still in his chest as a precaution, but that hasn't been decided yet. It is annoying, but much easier to use than finding a vein several times a week.

John will have his "80 Day Workup" on about Day 84 - August 18. That will involve another bone marrow biopsy to check for any blast cells, which would hint at a recurrence of Leukemia. They will also do a lot of other tests for chronic, long-term GVHD problems that surface around that time. If all goes well, John should be released back into Emory's care by August 31, three days before Day 100.

Debbie will go back to Atlanta mid-August and will get the house ready for John again. Now that is a project I hate to think about. I will take care of moving out here, returning the car and furniture, paying bills and shipping our things back. It's no wonder I haven't wanted to look ahead.

John's been out and more active this week with Annie around as company, although he tires by day's end. Debbie put in a lot of hours this week on the release to the media of an ABA study she has worked on for a year. She will be at the ABA convention and will host one of the big awards luncheons next week. I've always attended to serve as the supportive, arm-candy spouse by her side, but she will be on her own this time.

The weather is clear and "hot" here, if the low 80s is hot. Debbie and I may do a bit of kayaking today after I spend some time "in the office" here on a project or two.

About me

  • I'm Randy Cadenhead
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • My son John was diagnosed in November of 2004 with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). Since then, he underwent three rounds of chemotherapy and received a bone marrow transplant in Seattle. This site is about his experience, as seen through his father's eyes. Links to John's website and to his own live journal are below.
My profile
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