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Tuesday, February 08, 2005 

Day 79

Days without much news are generally good days. Yesterday was pretty much one of those days. John drove himself over to Emory for his regular blood check, and received a blood transfusion and platelets.

His white blood count is still at .4 (400, without the decimal). Technically, he should still be in the hospital, because he is still "neutropenic" (a fancy word for low white blood count). If he can stay away from anyone whose been either sick or who has been near someone who is, he is certainly better off and happier at home though. What a way to have to live.

John's been creating a history card game for fun. It's creative and really pretty funny. Who says you can't do anything with a History degree?

About me

  • I'm Randy Cadenhead
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • My son John was diagnosed in November of 2004 with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). Since then, he underwent three rounds of chemotherapy and received a bone marrow transplant in Seattle. This site is about his experience, as seen through his father's eyes. Links to John's website and to his own live journal are below.
My profile
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