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Friday, September 23, 2005 

Life is a Hurricane - Day 26

I've spent much of the past three weeks on Katrina relief, so life returning to "normal" has had to wait. It started with looking into ways to help fellow employees navigate the relief waters and then picked up steam. I gathered disaster legal manuals, and since none had
Georgia information, wrote one of my own last weekend.

Debbie's firm found an opportunity to offer legal counseling at a Job Fair next week at the World Congress Center, where thousands are expected. We took my manual and have been doing training sessions for lawyers on the basic questions they are likely to get. Some of those being trained have been BellSouth lawyers, and I hope they will take the information to their "tent city" of employees.

I have set up two websites with information about hurricane relief. One is internal to the company and the other is on a site under my own name for those outside the company to get information.

Now with Rita nearing the coast, there will be more to do, I fear.

John continues to improve. He is doing well enough to see his doctor every other week, though he still has weekly blood tests. His next drop in immune suppression drugs is next week. He gets out every day and is dating and seeing friends, but his life is otherwise still on hold for now, not unlike mine has been these three weeks.

About me

  • I'm Randy Cadenhead
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • My son John was diagnosed in November of 2004 with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). Since then, he underwent three rounds of chemotherapy and received a bone marrow transplant in Seattle. This site is about his experience, as seen through his father's eyes. Links to John's website and to his own live journal are below.
My profile
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