Graduation Day

Yesterday, John graduated from Emory.
It was a perfect day. The weather was clear and remarkably cool. Debbie, Courtney, Madison and I dressed up as if it were Easter morning, and in a way it was. The ceremony was something near 5 hours long and I took several opportunities to check and make sure that the sun and sitting were not wearing John down.
The other four of us entertained ourselves with knitting, video games, a new camera and Blackberry things. Eventually, we all went in search of Cokes and snacks, but we stayed through the Zubins and the second muttering of the alma mater.

The rest of John's family left before the ceremony was over, so the five of us went out for pizza for lunch (John's choice, but I'm not complaining).
Saturday night, most everyone in the family came over for dinner and we had a great time. It felt like we were all "home." There is still a lot of unpacking to do and a lot of life to attend to, but it is good to appreciate life in these good days.