Here, There and Everywhere
I'm away in Phoenix for a few days. I have a moment to update, but not that much to report. Moving John into the new house has been slowed a bit by hot water heater problems. We hope that will be finished this weekend.
Spring has begun early in Atlanta. We have fresh grass coming up and flowers coming out, which means that home buyers may begin to venture out more often.
Courtney is travelling during her Spring Break with a friend. While in Blackberry range today, she sent this report:
Hey dadio! Yes, so far the travelimg has been awesome! We watched some carnaval festivals in pisac, then made our way to puno, spent the night with an awesome family on the island of amantani, and now we're off to copacabana and the isla del sol. Its been so wonderful, and I even found a bonsai shop (you would put them to shame).
I don't know where all those places are, but it does sound like the ultimate Spring Break trip.
Spring has begun early in Atlanta. We have fresh grass coming up and flowers coming out, which means that home buyers may begin to venture out more often.
Courtney is travelling during her Spring Break with a friend. While in Blackberry range today, she sent this report:
Hey dadio! Yes, so far the travelimg has been awesome! We watched some carnaval festivals in pisac, then made our way to puno, spent the night with an awesome family on the island of amantani, and now we're off to copacabana and the isla del sol. Its been so wonderful, and I even found a bonsai shop (you would put them to shame).
I don't know where all those places are, but it does sound like the ultimate Spring Break trip.
daddio, you're so cute. i miss you!
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:54 PM